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Big 3 Consulting Firm

Big 3 Management Consulting Firm



Challenge: Whenever our users have a scheduled call with an external company, we deliver Pre-Meeting Briefings one hour before that call to give them the latest information for that organization which features 4 news articles, CRM data, marketing content, and other internal / subscription data that we’ve integrated. This unique challenge was that some of our users have 8+ external meetings a day, and they may not to be able to consume and benefit from 8 Pre-Meeting Briefings in one day.


User Research: After speaking to users within this high volume meeting persona group, we learned what time of day they’d best consume this type of information, and what insights were critical enough to take up the limited real-estate of our message.


Prototype: On the left is a prototype of the new version of our Pre-Meeting Briefings, that delivers once in the morning and contain only the most relevant information for each organization.


Learnings: Understanding how our out-of-the-box solutions resonate with different types of users is so important. By listening to negative feedback, and working with our product and engineering team to understand what’s possible, we were able to come to a design that appealed to our clients.

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