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Last Mile Delivery for Marketing

Stock Exchange



Challenge: Internal teams invest a lot of time and resources into building valuable content for their client-facing colleagues. These clients attempt to deliver this information via email while also building a custom CMS site for all employees to explore. Typically, this information is difficult to search through and the emails become noise because they are not personalized.


User Research: After conducting concept testing sessions with users across multiple personas, we learned that our hypothesis were correct and that the CMS was difficult to use and the emails had become noise in their day to day lives.


Prototype: We provided a way for users to opt into receiving alerts for particular solution areas, and learned that 5 pieces of content each week was sufficient for our users. We related each piece of content back to the larger solution area in case they did want to see more content.


Learnings: While sales enablement teams want to supply their client facing colleagues with all of the information they’ve so thoughtfully curated, sometimes less is more. When these users are in customer calls all day, realizing they don’t have time to search and finding a personalized, timely, and relevant way to deliver content was a huge win for this global enterprise organization.

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